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February 2025
Weekday Morning Minyan
Morning Minyan is held in person in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel, Sundays through Fridays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom. Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan Meeting ID: 933 006 171 | Passcode: minyan or call 929 205 6099
Find out more »Shirei Shabbat
Join Hazzan Hirschhorn for an evening of song and prayer as we support and elevate the voice of our community with the help of Shirei Chesed singers.
Find out more »Shirei Shabbat: Musical Service + Potluck Dinner with Zemirot
Join us at 5:30pm for a musical Shirei Shabbat service in honor of Shabbat Shirah, led by Cantor Natasha Hirschhorn, our intern Marc Szechter and Shirei Chesed singers -- with a Musical Surprise! Followed by a Potluck Dinner with Zemirot. Our Chef Bruce Soffer will provide a delectable dairy main dish, challah, and grape juice. Please bring a dairy or pareve salad, side dish, or dessert to share. You are welcome to bring your own wine or spirits. Please RSVP…
Find out more »Rabbi Jules Harlow Parshat HaShavuah Class
Join us for our weekly Parashat HaShavua class before the start of Shabbat morning services in the Chapel. Come at 8:45am for hot coffee and a chance to schmooze before the 9am class. Also available virtually via Zoom. This weekly class is dedicated to Rabbi Jules Harlow, a great teacher of Torah and Jewish liturgy. Click here for the Source Sheet for this week's class (updated on Friday afternoon).
Find out more »Sanctuary Service
The Sanctuary Service follows the traditional Conservative liturgy. We read the Torah on the annual cycle, completing the entire Torah each year.
Find out more »Minyan M’at
Minyan M’at is an independent, traditional, egalitarian community within Ansche Chesed. Now more than 30 years old, our group of over 150 households comes together to daven (pray), to learn, to celebrate and to sustain each other.
Find out more »Young Professionals: Havdalah in Pajamas
Young Professionals (20s and 30s) are invited for a musical havdalah followed by a cozy pajama movie night! RSVP here
Find out more »Sunday Morning Minyan
Morning Minyan is held in person in the Chapel on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and on Rosh Chodesh and Civil Holidays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom on all days the minyan meets. In-person services are held in the Chapel. All Morning Minyan services will continue to be available on Zoom Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan…
Find out more »Intergenerational Mitzvah Knitting Group
Knitters needed! Please join our intergenerational AC Mitzvah Knitting Group. Bubbies, bring your grandkids; kids - bring your parents. For our current project, we will be making a sampler blanket, where we each do a square or two and then put them together into a blanket. Each square is a different pattern so you’ll be able to make more than one! Yarn and pattern will be provided. Please RSVP by emailing Emily.
Find out more »Weekday Morning Minyan
Morning Minyan is held in person in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel, Sundays through Fridays. Minyan begins at at 7:30am on weekdays and at 8:30am on Sundays and Civil Holidays. Services are also available virtually via Zoom. Please click here for more info. JOIN US VIA ZOOM at https://anschechesed.org/morningminyan Meeting ID: 933 006 171 | Passcode: minyan or call 929 205 6099
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