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October 2024
Sanctuary Sukkot Services
Join the Ansche Chesed community for our Sukkot services in the Sanctuary or virtually.
Find out more »Minyan M’at Sukkot Services
Join Minyan M’at for Sukkot services. Learn more about Minyan M'at
Find out more »Teen Sushi Making in the Sukkah
Calling all teens! Come join us on Sukkot to make delicious Sushi in the Sukkah, play games and hang out with your friends. This event is free! Registration encouraged, walk ins welcome.
Find out more »Family Sundaes and Ushpizin in the Sukkah
On Sukkot, it’s a tradition to welcome new people into the Sukkah each day. So, bring a friend to AC and join us on the rooftop Sukkah. We’ll make ice cream sundaes and sukkah decorations inspired by the tradition of welcoming ushpizin (guests) into our sukkah. We look forward to welcoming you and your ushpizin! This event is free! Registration encouraged, walk ins welcome.
Find out more »CANCELLED: 18th Annual Sukkot Sing-Along
Unfortunately, this year's Sukkot Sing-Along Dinner has been cancelled. The Sukkah will still be open if you would like to eat your dinner there independently. Please see further details on our website: https://anschechesed.org/sukkot-5785-2024/#Communal-Sukkah-Use
Find out more »Shemini Atzeret Early Morning Shacharit
For those who cannot attend our later morning service, Jerry Raik will lead an early morning Shacharit, including Yizkor.
Find out more »Sanctuary Shemini Atzeret Service
Join the Ansche Chesed community for our Shemini Atzeret services in the Sanctuary or virtually.
Find out more »Simchat Torah Evening Services
Come celebrate the Torah with singing, dancing, and hakafot (circling)! Join us beforehand for ma'ariv at 6:45pm in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel.
Find out more »November 2024
Ceramic Workshop: Menorah Making
AC is partnering with the Marlene Meyerson JCC Mannhattan for a pre-Chanukah Ceramics workshop. Join AC members at the JCC to create your own handmade Chanukiyah! This is a unique opportunity to express your creativity while celebrating the holiday in a meaningful way. During the workshop, you will have the chance to craft a distinctive chanukiyah that reflects your personal style. Choose from our curated selection of glazes, and our skilled staff will expertly finish each piece for you. Completed…
Find out more »December 2024
Lights, Latkes, and Love: AC Chanukkah Celebration
Join Hazzan Natasha Hirschhorn and your friends at AC to celebrate Chanukkah with light, song and joy on the 2nd night of Chanukkah. We will light candles together, sing, nosh on latkes and enjoy. If you'd like, bring your menorah to light and a dessert to share. Please RSVP here. Free to attend, all ages welcome!
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